I See You

After so many wild changes and turbulent seasons, how have you maintained unblinking compassion for me? Since childhood until the present moment, you remain a familiar friend. Some may dismiss any recollection formed in youth as the mind is not skilled in parsing daydream from memory. Yet I do remember, and none can convince me otherwise. The world was fearsome, tinged with hate, but you made it yield, and turned it back. You closed it’s jaws and suffered it not to growl. How many times have we sat together in silence? Has there ever been a wider contrast of you sailing upon a high crest of holiness, and I polluted with the ashes of everything I burn down? Lay the mirrors flat, draw the shades down, and put out any burning lamp. Perhaps I can trick you into a lasting harmony. I hear them knocking on the door and I will not answer. Neither will I greet a letter carrier. What is a bell to me? Let it toll for another. I am not coming outside. There is too many of them, and far too little of you. When I speak, I mess it up. So we will sit together like we did when I was a child. Everything is blurry, but you are clear. So there is no need to rub my eyes.


Naked Lady

