It Will Burn

The friction between two passing hints is all it takes to make an unnatural fire, and I have power to kindle it at the time of my choosing. Each flame can be directed to consume ashen place holders. Suppress as many dreams as your prescription bottle will allow. The burning is not there. Step upon the glowing embers to make a point. Friends will sigh relief. Both mothers will commend you. Is it by there power that I weave in and out of your imagination? From mere cinders am I able to raise up a blaze the twin of any great oak. And this before a photo can be snapped to tell your convenient lie. Certain bonds are not meant to be formed. Yet the burning is not a stipulation of our customs. Is it? You have prepared yourself against the day of my arson. Buckets of water sit your ready. They will do opposite of your stated hope. Why do you prevent the hounds from satisfying their thirst? Surly a few dogs will not deplete rows of still water. My spies have reported that you topped each one off with translucent cooking oil. You know that the burning is not had without conspiracy. Everything around us will burn and we will warm ourselves in the inferno of disappointed life planners. Don't throw your life away. It was only a thought; a silly fantasy. Then explain away your racing heart and windows that flicker orange light.




Not to Go Beyond