Like Fine Brass

Bare witness to the inversion of a golden prairie.

Four horsemen sit on four directions, each one of them are scary.

Roses have migrated from romance over to the grave yard.

Keep shuffling the deck of Tarot, it will never produce a brave card.

Remember the biblical line that speaks of love waxing cold.

Law enforcement is all to eager to bring back the illegal choke hold.

The youth are no longer brazen, neither do they have their wits intact.

Between mounting anxiety and crippling debt, it's hard to tell which is more stacked.

Behold, visitors from sky will touch down on terra firma.

The type of abuse that comes our way will not tolerate a Tina Turner.

Lemons will not make the transition to lemonade.

No recourse, just dead bodies racked up in an FBI raid.

Billionaires swing a much longer version of cat-o-nine tails.

The rise of asthmatic children got us rethinking the validity of chemtrails.

A man without a bunker is like a man without a door.

In a world where everyone goes without, how will we define poor?

The bruised have learned the art of resistance and want payback.

It our democratic republic if finished, stop pretending and say that.

If you are gunning for me, I already got three shooters on you.

A fresh start is in order, but decades of old wall paper doesn't just magically unglue.

There is a type of Tertius with sins that don't pile so neatly.

The heart skips a beat upon realizing that the game does not end so sweetly.

Ignore the doomsayer, deride me as a chicken little.

You're either with us or you're with them, there is no more middle.

It's not prudent to ask why it has to be this way.

You will not find an answer that surpasses the dead where they lay.


Media Darling


Long Division