Say Please

Hey mister, things have changed, you don't get to have a turn. I've waited in halls, all night by phones, just for an opportunity to burn. Now swallow this match, in kerosene it swims like a worm. Tuition triples, security escorts smile, before you ever get a chance to learn.

I waited in the halls outside every office.

The secret password is not for those getting bumped around in cattle runs for a nod. They melted us under flood lights after calling out our service number. Medical despised us. We were packed down with ice and sent back out. Ask for directions. There are no certain headquarters. Be within earshot when you are summoned because none are bidden twice. You have become more mule than man.

I waited in the halls for any to catch my eye.

We got squished like the mortar in between the bricks. The slots were filled before we knew to question unscrupulous middle men with overblown titles. Dismissals went from courteous to abrupt. After further persistence our dreams were meet with the deployment of bug pray. We choked on poison fumes and rubbed our eyes until swirling colors settled back into sharp images. Working backward from checkmate, we slowly figured out the hoodwink.

I waited in the halls until my feet stuck to the linoleum.

The elite have overdosed because we quietly upped the grams. Raise champaign glasses for the toast. With preserves broken on the floor, we have become a most delectable jam. Hey mister, new found leverage is never something to share. Put in a call to your alma mater, we do not care.


Iā€™m Not Clever


At Last