
I am forever captivated by the designated bluffs of lesser signs. What should we make of sandwich boards that aim to deter us from slippery floors? They never turn us back. Few even break our stride. However a judge can neither commence or adjourn upon cotton. And that is the point of them. Feeble placards are strong enough to muffle the hardest swung gavel. Suppose a universal symbol was created a to caution against my favoritism, would it have much more success? The glamor of it disguises a well hidden instability. Covet my gaze until nothing remains of your balance. Don't worry, drunks and infirmed go before you. It takes a little time to learn the gate. Admiration is a perpetually wet surface that does come with perks. Mending your heart is chief among my wonders, but first help me kill the amicus brief. There is nothing that can not be mediated privately. Everyday is carnival with my approval. You never have to go home. To my right is a consortium of investors. My left is flanked with socialites and rolling cameras. There is a preferred method of transport. I will not lead you by the hand nor hook your arm. Instead the tour begins where my teeth meet the scruff your your neck. Why take a single step? If nature has failed to equip you with folds of insensitive skin, simply glide under my jaw. You will be exalted above your company with only a trickle of blood to show for it. Your opinions are slowing us down. They weight too much and are oddly shaped. Here, share mine. They are already opened. Be my favorite and mine alone. Forsake your dinner guests. You already confessed their dullness to be an outstanding fact. Let me thrill you beyond anything belonging to a schedule one chemical. If you forgot your phone number, it was not worth remembering. Do not upset me in anything you do. Far be it from me to retaliate. I could not dream of it. Yet the toll your health will suffer issues forth from the bond you sought. Quit your sobbing. It's too late for rubber soles.


Hotel Shush


Chicken and Egg