Carrot Cake

One adversary must be withstood confidently. Add a second and you will be put to flight. Yet I have found that a handful will slowly begin to quarrel over you. How suddenly is derision gamified. What was once an object of scorn is made judge. Imagine a fox slowing down the noisome pursuit of hounds with instant replay or hawks waiting on a rabbit's scorecard. Do not laugh when I tell you that detractors would proudly bow their head to receive a wreath as chief critic from the very source of their ire. Some say these are strange times, but others submit that it is the people occupying it. Perhaps the dust of an eccentric make house cleaning more interesting. Then again the faithful labor of orderlies allows a free spirit to feel constricted enough to make a mess. Either way we can not dodge peculiarity. It is a double stich in the fabric of truth. Nature does not speak well of diplomacy when every tooth is given a second chance, but the tongue only has one turn. I do not stand in doubt of peace. The beauty of it is self-evident. However, there is a certain humor present in those who clamor for it. Namely that they must fight to secure it in all ways that are figurative save the most effective way. It is no surprise. Repose is extremely compact fitting inside your most admirable nouns. If history is replete with innovation, risk, and enterprise, the unsung half is exhaustion. How much of our lives have been shaped by putting down the log not to pick it up again. Every white flag is not the product of thoughtful moral deliberation. Bones begin to ache. Eye lids grow heavy. Warriors choose bed. A similar claim might be made of democracy. We dance and rejoice as if reaching some promise land, but what if we chose our beds? What if a greater form of government hither to be devised awaits us, but instead we pull up our sheets because we have walked far enough. No one could shame our campsite. Have we ran out of frontiers or have we just retired them in rhetoric? One can not say for sure. However the story goes, there is no need to settle differences that already have a secret contract.



