
Your problems began immediately after they cut me into pieces. Profligate marauders have spread me far and wide exactly as they were contracted. The why of it all is not important. In the cover of night they divided my person with instruments sharp enough to make twins of an obsidian stone. My soft heart beats faintly a couple of feet beneath incubating turtle eggs. I was slow to anger, and the perpetrators of my dismemberment found glee in this weeding morbidity to witticism. An old monastery east of the rolling hills are where my eyes are showcased. My would be killers sold them to renunciates under the guise of being holy relics. They mistake their new found keepsake as belonging to a prophet. Restore my constitution and I will prove otherwise. There will be no reeducation of violence. My remains have kept that knowledge to be enacted upon assembly. Fetch my hands two miles into the desert grounds. Make haste before nature dispatches it's house cleaning in the way of willing scavengers. Wolf pups have made sport of my tongue. They still nurse but are months away from blood lust. Cox the mother away from the den with a butchers cut of meat. Reach in and do not pull your hand out until you grasp the moist spung. Go to and find my feet in the county's second largest coal mine. Do not ask to go with the workers. They will forbid you taking extra precaution to disallow non-commercial interests. Get them during off hours. It was a careless a fling job. You will not need any transportation. Bring a lantern and they will present themselves with no less than a minute's worth of swiveling. My pate is currently being studied by a foreign hobbyist of Polynesian extraction. He found it fair and square. As a budding archeologist, he has no interest in police jurisdiction. Do not think to bribe him either. Were it not for national security, our distinguished stranger could purchase the very state you live in and have money left over to fill the potholes with cobalt. Rather make a plea on behalf of your ancestry. Claim me as your own. Do it with a straight face. He will give you my head reluctantly. Do not patronize him with flattery. Only thank him with deep gratitude. My arms and chest are connected. It seems there is no significant correlation between stamina and cold-heartedness. Remember the picturesque grove a mile out from your aunt's house? You won't have to even try. A nice break from the previous challenges. Any traveling suitcase is sufficient to nab it. My legs have been devoured of a bear risen from winter slumber. I will not come back halt. Borrow human thighbones from the University. The science department is eager to groom young minds. They will let you have them for an hour. That is long enough for you to witness the miracle of regeneration. Do not approach these parts with a sewing needle and thread. Neither think long about adhesives, nails, or rope. Anoint the pieces instead as if dressing a salad. Oil is good. Pray facing away from the hacked anatomy. When a brilliant light forces your eyes shut, know that the work is complete. Should the men slayers beg for mercy, tell them they will have it by my legs.




I Believe You