
One calendar year filled with trial and celebration is like a noisy minutes to me.

The poison compound of an assassin will form the basis of medicine eventually.

A scowl can be the tell of someone who is angry, or perhaps one deep in thought.

A smile can be the sign of someone figuring it out, or a person who just got caught.

Perversion is the measure of a thing that strays from the point of it's original utility.

Character is finding your weakness to strengthen traits opposite your natural ability.

They say forgiveness is for you and not the individual who is party to the offense.

Those who swear revenge say the same thing, so that does not make any sense.

The last man standing may be successful, while others view him as desperate.

The first person to quit is lonely and exhausted, so they are not that separate.

The wise instruct the foolish, in this they are given more than ample praise.

No prize comes from parody, so the fool is kept from converting his ways.

Friends will laugh if asked whether is it advantageous to be weak or strong.

When war looms, laughter dies down, and enlistment lines are not that long.

No one has ever called the exterminator to handle an infestation of butterflies.

No child can always be given the benefit of the doubt, still every mother tries.

The quick strive in many things, from such the dead are given release.

Are we asking for the end of days in our many our many calls for world peace?

The amoral will tell you that good behavior comes from a powerful incentive.

Turn virtue into a competition and not guilty pleas will become more inventive.

