Social Distancing

Eat your firstborn so long as the public dubs you an undisputed favorite.

Political humanity is now a jump ball, either get tall fast or play for it.

Please do not touch my shoulder, because it takes a lot for me to turn around.

My trust has a different preposition, you say between, mine is on the ground.

An unlisted address means you have to love me over the river and through the woods.

Genuine harmony demands compromise, but when confronted by the idea, I never could.

Distance is a virtue that must be enforced constantly and managed well.

Is disrespect as a teachable moment, or is it the clang of a dinner bell?

In my youth I strongly contemplated a life of quiet and secluded monkery.

I hate shallow banter, keeping the peace with smiles, and all things perfunctory.

When assembling furniture, it is wise to consult the neatly folded instructions.

Any inner circle worth it's salt avoids manners, running tabs, or even light seduction.

Things which fascinated me are seldom part of my own psychological fabric.

Broadcasts of nihilism are useless jamming my channel with irritating static.

If you have a hard time locating intolerance, just search for the nearest flag pole.

Cloth emblems can hold up to hurricane wind, and a child's suffering soul.

I know, there are places and names for troublesome people who think like me.

If every election is sold as the one to break our chains, do you think we were ever free?




Good and Evil