
The sky sports a new rainbow of black, grey, and rusted burgundy.

All scurry to grab a fire extinguisher, but few can distinguish the lesser emergency.

The animals are gaunt, and the nocturnal ones wander aimlessly in the day.

Some of us fed them gram crackers, but if you do that too much, they won't go away.

Our kids are not drinking hot coco, that stuff came directly out of the tap.

The locals tell about a fresh water spring, but that sounds more like fresh water trap.

You know the routine, show up to a location with even a handful of valuable belongings.

First thing you will notice is silence, then armed men hiding behind propped up toboggans.

When a family member needs help, that requires a scheduled visit with no plus one.

If his friends express displeasure over this, we text him a one word message, "run".

Medicare is now consigned to the whims and strains of a sketchy black market.

They only trust foot traffic, so anything you got it in the way of a four-wheel drive, park it.

The previous society was never that great, but now they really don't care about wedding rings.

If you have a gorgeous wife, you need a knife, bat, or automatic; at least a couple of those things.

My heart goes out to the elderly. All it takes is four youngsters to ask directions, and you know they're screwed.

It reminds me of a grisly nature doc when a hyena peeks into a fox den, and you know the cubs are chewed.

If you cough once, it's no big deal. Sneeze once and we will ask God to bless you.

Cough twice and we start to reel. Sneeze twice and our son can not play with your nephew.

These are new rules, none of which were not handed down from some outdated system.

We all have to eat together, so if any present have freak allergies, now is the time to list them.

Remember when we had lively debates over the security of our boarders?

Now we live in underground bunkers for months at a time because we became expert hoarders.

Trauma make some hit their knees and pray, while other beg for a fast and painless death.

It doesn't matter how you choose to cope; sealed shelters demand resurfacing to draw fresh breath.

We encourage the despondent to have hope, think positive, and stay in the fight.

What else can we say when the temp dips below 20 and platitudes don't keep you warm at night.


Flehmen Response


Social Distancing